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🥺#salauddin_s #beanibazar01 #bdarmwrestler #fyp
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planchas isometricas, lo mejor y mas efectivo para fortalecer y corregir la flacidez del abdomen 😍💪#Fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnesstips #fitnessmodel #abs #absworkout #mujeres
My name is 188cm/95kg🗿 On a real note tho, CrossFit is a very solid sport, and many people don’t know this but the reason they have such technique on pull ups and muscle ups isn’t really because they are not strong, but mostly because its part of their sport to mostly care about how many reps they do in these exercises and not the technique, if you watch their competitions then you would understand there is no chance they could do clean muscle ups after doing hundreds of reps on other exercises right before that, so yeah the hate is just for fun🤝🏼
Así realizaras el cambio físico de tu vida. Aquí tienes todo lo que necesitas, rutinas, alimentación y consejos. Comenta la palabra “Empezar” para conseguir mi Metodología. #cambiofisico #dieta #alimentacion #rutina #gym #transformacion #transformacionfisica #gimnasio #gym #Fitness
it’s time to embrace yourself for who you truly want to be being vulnerable (to a degree) sharing this as I feel it can be scary to admit to who we really want to become - especially when it does seem to go against certain stereotypes that are still knocking around 🙆🏽♀️ i really hope this is a strong reminder to you that YOUR strength is NOT a threat to womanhood, it’s a reallllll celebration of it!! #hybridathlete #runninggirls #hyroxuk
Vocabulaire français, niveau A2 : parler de mon activité professionnelle, de mon travail. Travailler comme + profession Travailler pour + entreprise Travailler depuis + durée
Guarda y prueba este MENÚ diario para perder peso y grasa Desayuno: Tostadas de queso fresco y aguacate Comida: Berenjenas rellenas Merienda: Fruta + Frutos secos Cena: Crema de calabaza con parmesano y huevo + Patatas al pimentón al horno
Bien cómoda 👌🏻 #flexibility #flexibilidad
Día de pecho 👇🏽 1️⃣Press invertido : 4 x 10 2️⃣Press hex: 4 x 8 3️⃣Apertutas desde abajo: 4 x 8 4️⃣Press inclinado: 4 x 8 5️⃣Apertiras inclinadas: 4 x 8 ⏱️Tiempo descanso : 60-90 secs entre series Si quieres llevar tu entrenamiento y tu alimentación al siguiente nivel, únete a MI APP @gas_workout_app Por 49€ = 1 año completo de entrenamientos programados para mujeres/hombres, casa/gym junto a un plan de alimentación totalmente personalizado con revisiones mensuales y además clases dirigidas de movilidad y HIIT Dale Gas! #chest #curl #chestday #pecho #Fitness #fitnessmotivation #gym #gymexercises #workout #training #gymtraining #gymworkout #chestworkout #entrenamiento #chestpress #fitnessinfluencer #coachonline
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