Top 50 Hot Videos(champagne )
Is it possible to draw her portrait? 🤔 #drawingtutorial #howtodraw #howtodrawaface #portraitdrawing #drawing #desenho #zendaya #dibujo
POV: Your phone is cooler than you… literally. ❄️✨ Watch it change color with just ice! Who else needs this magic in their hands? I know I do! Pre-order now!👀🔥 #TripleClarityinEveryShot #realme14ProPlus5G #realmePH
How am I at every dinner in heels you ask? Convertible heels always ✨ #fashionhacks #convertibleheels #everydayheels
Garlic Butter Focaccia ASMR 🧄🌿 Ingredients: 🍞 1 batch focaccia dough (click FOCACCIA TUTORIALS playlist button above my grid for my same-day, overnight and sourdough focaccia recipes/tutorials) 🧄 1 batch garlic butter: 2 Tablespoons salted butter 2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 6 cloves garlic, minced 1.5 Tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsley 🧀 Grated Parmesan cheese, (measure with your heart) 🌿Extra virgin olive oil to line baking tray Method: Make a batch of focaccia dough. When it’s nearly finished proofing in the bowl, make the garlic butter by melting the butter and olive oil together over a medium heat in a small frying pan. Add in the garlic and simmer for 1 minute or so (don’t brown it!). Stir in the parsley. Once it’s time to dimple, spoon the majority of the garlic butter over the fully proofed dough, reserving about 1.5 tablespoons to brush over the top after it’s out of the oven. Sprinkle over some Parmesan cheese and dimple the dough. Sprinkle over more cheese and then bake at 220C/430F on the bottom rack of the oven for 19-24 minutes or until golden brown. Once out of the oven, brush over the remaining garlic butter and grate over some more Parmesan cheese. Wait to cool for a little bit (if you can) before enjoying warm! I used this bread to make a #Caesaroni sandwich which wasn’t the most visually appealing thing I’ve ever made, but let me know if you’d like to see it - it was totally delicious despite looking like a hot mess 😅 #garlicbread #garlicbreadfocaccia #focaccia #focacciarecipe #focacciatok #breadtok
Imagine this Red Bull mix at 3:83 a.m.😍🍧 #redbullwinteredition #redbull
I’d also add olive oil if you really wanna put size on #proteinshake #protein #gym #GymTok #proteinpowder #myprotein #bulking #tips
CR7 on black & white film 🔥🎞️ do you like the results? #expiredfilmclub As it’s his 40th birthday today, thought I’d throw back to shooting this game out in Jeddah for the @Saudiff last year ⚽️ couldn’t pass up the chance to shoot CR7 before he retired! Film, developing & scanning from @Analogue Wonderland #35mmfilm #cristianoronaldo #football #Soccer #alnassr #fyp
Buttercream recipe linked in bio 🎂 #cakeoftiktok #westpalmbeach #palmbeach #wpb #westpalm #bakeryownerlife #bakeryowner #fyp #cakedecorating #bakery #vintagecake #cake #pipingtips #pipingtip #buttercreampiping #genderreveal #babycake
Паста з креветками 🦐 ▪️креветки сирі ▪️вершкове масло ▪️часник ▪️чері ▪️сіль ▪️вершки 20% ▪️сир ▪️італійські трави ▪️паста Очищені креветки обсмажуємо на вершковому маслі з часником декілька хвилин, заливаємо гарячі вершки, додаємо чері, трави і сир і тушкуємо ще декілька хвилин. Додаємо воду з пасти, готову пасту, перемішуємо і можна куштувати. Смачного! #пастазкреветками #пастарецепт #фудблог #кулінарнийблог #рецептиукраїнською
A quale concorrente di Sanremo consegnerò queste Air Force 1 metalliche? 🤔 #sanremo #customshoes #sneakerhead
Ho creato delle Timberland completamente d’oro! 🥇 Seguimi per la parte due! #timberland #sneakerhead #custom
Chugging a beer for Jameis Winston at the Super Bowl and getting the most Jameis Winston reaction ever 😂😭🍻 #SuperBowl #chugging #jameiswinston #chug #superbowllix
It’s winter so it’s that time again ☺️#sheabutter #coconutoil #bodybutter #Recipe #homemadebodybutter #homemade #ayoolaib
A £30 spa day in an 1850s warehouse 🧖♀️🫧❄️ #uk #uktravel #liverpool #spa #spaday #england
2.6 million guys 💪 #viral #fyp #coins #coincleaning #you
This week’s sandwich definitely won’t win any handsome looking sandwich competitions but it would definitely finish a respectable mid table in any taste test. Thai style chicken satay and peanut sauce with papaya salad. A hot mess. (Allow the shabby cut, I left my sharp bread knife at my mums) #satay #chicken #thai #peanut #sandwich #Recipe #fyp
The inside view many of you asked for! I am working on finishing the plans for this size and the 8X8 (same size as the green one) so bare with me we’re getting close!! Hope you enjoy it! We love how it turned out. I’m so thankful we get to do this and build these beautiful coops!! #chickensoftiktok🐔 #SmallBusiness #woodworking #local #chickens #chickencoop #backyardchickens #boujeecoops #tiktok #farmlife #custom #southernpinescustomcoops #farm #modernfarmhouse #eggs #farmlife #modernfarmhouse #viral
Absolutely love going and trying new places😍✨
Es ist so schön geworden ❤️ I‘m obsessed 🥹 @Homedesign.nbg #nürnberg#interior#homedesign#tvwall#wohnung#aesthetic#homedecor#nbg
Coming soon ✨ #FoodTok #goldensoup #turmeric #soup #goodsoup #souptok #cooking
when you both have the same taste > #loftapartment #loftinspo #lofttour #midcenturymodern #interiordesign #darkacademia #aesthetic #housetour #dreamloft #manchester #fyp #loft #BookTok #barnesandnoble #homedecor #manchester #uk #americanabroad
Entremet framboise rose et litchi - Pink raspberry and lychee entremet 🌹 - Mousse à la rose - Crémeux framboise rose - Confit litchi - Génoise vanille - Rose Mousse - Pink raspberry cream - Lychee confit - Vanilla génoise Pour retrouver toutes mes recettes et le matériel que j’utilise rendez vous sur ma page Instagram, dans les story à la une 🙂 To find all my recipes and the equipment I use go to my Instagram page, in the featured stories 🙂 #patisserie #pastry #dessert #entremet #rose #pink #litchi #framboise #raspberry #FoodTok
its soo good🌟they were out of brown sugar but get that instead of vanilla! #starbucks #starbucksorder #chai #order #coffee #coffeeorder
Evin fiyatı oldukça uygundu ama eve gelip konumu ve manzarayı görünce baya şaşırdım. Sizce nasıl görünüyor? #konaklama #seyahat #travel #istanbu
Reverse Sear Sirloin Tip Steak 🥩🥩 #EasyRecipe #FoodTok #steak #steaktok #steaklover #fyp #EasyRecipes
Un feutre à lèvres ?😱💜 @r.e.m. beauty #rem #crashtest #arianagrande #astuce #lipstain #maquillage #makeup #sephora @niceworkparisoff Produit offert
Red Bull Ramadan Edition with frozen Spring Edition after iftar🤤 #redbull #Ramadan #ramazan #redbullramadanedition #redbullspringedition #glytter #frozen #frozenredbull #viral #newredbull #redbull2025 #fyp #foryou #fürdichforyou #cocktails #mocktails #starleights
My dads built me a separate house for if I want to move here 🥹
THREE dinner ideas for this coming week 🤌✨ As always, here’s the full recipes 🎉 Enchiladas➡️ @Tori and Nessa Buttery Biscuits & gravy➡️@Tori and Nessa Fried Rice ➡️@Tori and Nessa #DinnerIdeas #mealprep #enchiladas #recipes #EasyRecipe #dinnerrecipe #dinneridea #cookinginspo #breakfastfordinner
Cookies 🍪 burro di arachidi 🥜 e cioccolato 🍫 Diciamo che questa volta se lo è meritato, ma solo perché mi ha fatto la pizza 🍕 in mezzo all’oceano.. @msccrociere #adv #msccrociere #mscseascape #inviaggioversolabellezza ❤️lascia un like e commenta questo video ❤️ Ricetta per 4 cookie: - 100g burro d'arachidi - 80g zucchero di canna - 40g burro - 1 uovo medio - 100g farina per dolci - 5g lievito - 2g sale - 80g gocce di cioccolato Procedimento: Mescola il burro fuso assieme allo zucchero di canna e il burro d'arachidi, aggiungi un uovo e unisci alla farina, lievito e sale fino a formare un panetto. Aggiungi le gocce di cioccolato freddissime (frigo/freezer) per non macchiare l'impasto, dividi in 4 palline e lasciale riposare coperte con pellicola in frigo per 3-4h o in freezer per una mezz'oretta. Tira fuori, schiaccia col palmo della mano direttamente in teglia e cuoci in forno (preriscaldato, statico) a 180 gradi per 10-12min o fino a doratura. Tira fuori, lascia raffreddare per far formare la crosticina esterna, decora a piacere (noi col gelato e petali di cioccolato) e servi alla tua bimbo per salvarlo dal catabolismo ❤️ #crociera #ricetta #cookies #burrodiarachidi #cioccolato
Lamp met papieren kap!🤩 €6,95 #action #actionnederland #actionbelgique #actionfrance #actionspain #actionfinds #actionmusthaves #fyp #foryoupagе #viralvideos #actionviral #lampen #lamp #lights
Chicken Vodka Parm Panini 🥪😋 #sandwich #cheese #nycfood #lunch #foodtiktok
Querido futuro esposo… toma notas 💍#Platino #JoyeríaFina #joyas #joyeria #jewelry #luxury #watch #trending #parati #viral #engagement #anillodecompromiso #anillos #engagementring #boda #harrywinston
Things to do/eat in Kraków💌❤️🔥 #krakow #krakowplaces #krakowcityguide #krakowpoland #whattodoinkrakow #citybreak #citybreaks #fyp
[🇲🇦] كانحماق عليهوم ف رمضان ❤️ 1: -تونة -بذور ذرة -بصل مطبوخ -مخلل مفروم -خس -طماطم مفرومه -جبن إيدام -ملعقة كبيرة جبن كريمي 2: -سبانخ مطبوخة -دجاج مطبوخ(زيت + بابريكا + ملح + فلفل) -بصل مطبوخ -جبن إيدام -ملعقة كبيرة جبن كريمي 3: -دجاج مقرمش دقيق (بابريكا + ملح + فلفل) بيض فتات الخبز فرن 200 درجة لمدة 15-20 دقيقة، يمكنك قليها . -ملعقتان كبيرتان صلصة جزائرية -ملعقة كبيرة مايونيز -خس [ENG]Cornets tortilla 😋🤤 1: -Tuna -Corn seeds -Cooked onions -Chopped pickles -Lettuce -Chopped tomatoes -Grated cheese -1 tbsp cream cheese 2: -Cooked spinach -Cooked chicken (oil + paprika + salt + pepper) -Cooked onions -Grated Cheese -1 Tbsp cream cheese 3: -Crispy chicken Flour( paprika + salt + pepper) Eggs Breadcrumbs Oven 200C 15-20 minutes, you can fry or airfry 1s well. -2 tbsp algerien sauce -1 tbsp mayonnaise -Lettuce #recette #Ramadan #recipes #وصفات #طبخ #cooking #رمضان #fyp
Dream home & car #فلل #فلل_فخمه #فلل_فاخرة #بورش #فلل_الخبر #الخبر #khobar #احمد_الموسى #تصاميم_احمد_الموسى #فلل_بسيطة #ملموم #الانتشار_السريع #تصاميم_معمارية #فن_معماري #500م٢ #الخبر #fyp #purchase #khobar_vibes #اجواء_الخبر #روقان #اكسبلور
Why aren’t more people talking about this small space storage hack?! 🤯 If you’re short on space (or just love a tidy home), you NEED to see this! IKEA’s rattan under-bed storage box is not only gorgeous but also super functional. It’s the perfect way to tuck away extra blankets, seasonal clothes, or even kids' toys—without sacrificing style. We have a few under the bed in this tiny bedroom to store towels and linens. 2 years later and we still love them! I love a good small-space solution, and this one is a game-changer! Would you try this in your home? Tell me in the comments! 👇 #SmallSpaceLiving #StorageHacks #ikeafinds #TheDIYMommy #IKEAHack
Can’t believe I’m doing this #fyp #viral #voicereveal
🍴 KLIKNIJ PO PRZEPIS 🍴 Ta szynka jako pierwsza zniknie ze stołu! 😊 Z jakimi dodatkami będzie smakować najlepiej ❓ Solanka: ✅ 1 kg szynki wieprzowej ✅ 1,5 l wody ✅ 20 g soli ✅ 3 ząbki czosnku ✅ kawałek cebuli ✅ po kawałku włoszczyzny ✅ 6 ziaren pieprzu ✅ 4 ziela angielskie ✅ 3 liście laurowe Marynata ✅ 1 łyżeczka soli, majeranku, papryki słodkiej ✅ 0,5 łyżeczki pieprzu, tymianku ✅ 2 ząbki czosnku ✅ 50 g majonezu • Do przygotowania wędliny użyj jak najbardziej świeże mięso • Mięso pozostaw w solance na 2-3 dni • Mięso piecz w 180°C, grzanie góra-dół, przez ok 1 h (piecz przez 1 h na każdy 1 kg mięsa), po tym czasie rozetnij folię i piecz jeszcze 15 minut • Im dłużej będziesz je piec, tym wędlina będzie bardziej miękka i krucha • Możesz podawać ją na ciepło • Przygotowaną wędlinę możesz mrozić #szynka #wędlina #kanapka #przepisy #przepis Domowe przepisy, kanapki, jedzenie, domowa wędlina, przekąska na imprezę
Foggy forest 🌳🖤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #acrylicpainting #canvaspaintings #easyart #paintingideas #aestheticart #forestpainting #foryouu #fypagee #abminiart #howtopaint #foggyforest #landscapepainting #landscapeart #artistontiktok #artok #rewards #viralart #kesfet #akrilik #paintings
Brunch is cool and all but have you ever had brunch in a dome? 🥂🥯 Join us at Terrasse William Gray for our 3-course 65$ brunch in a dome with a view on the Old Port of Montreal! Minimum 4 up to 8 people. Book now, spots fill up quick! #mtltiktok #mtl #montreal #montrealrestaurant #domedining #terrassewilliamgray #oldmontreal #mtlfoodie #montrealtiktok
Entremet chocolat clémentine - Chocolate Clementine Entremet ! 🍊 - Mousse au chocolat - Crémeux clémentine - Ganache chocolat - Biscuit chocolat - Croustillant amande chocolat - Marmelade de clémentine - Chocolate mousse - Clementine cream - Chocolate ganache - Chocolate biscuit - Chocolate almond crisp - Clementine marmalade Pour retrouver toutes mes recettes et le matériel que j’utilise rendez vous sur ma page Instagram, dans mes story à la une (lien dans ma bio) To find all my recipes and the equipment I use, go to my Instagram page, in my top stories (link in my bio). #patisserie #pastry #entremet #chocolat #chocolate #clementine #marmelade #dessert #irvinpastry