Online sensation and family lawyer Fidan Shevket takes us through the things she would never do during a divorce. #divorce #divorcelawyer #fidanshevket #familylaw #lawyer #separation #annulment #finance #ring #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Sunrise reporter Katie Brown had some choice words for a driver crossing flood waters after their dangerous driving manoeuvre. #cyclonealfred #cyclone #alfred #flood #floodwaters #driver #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Two AI assistants have switched to an entirely original language to better communicate with one another. #ai #aichatbot #chatbot #aiassistant #newlanguage #madeuplanguage #computerlanguage #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
A Colombian man was caught attempting to smuggle cocaine into Amsterdam by hiding it in his wig. #smuggler #toupee #drugsmuggler #amsterdam #colombia #bordercontrol #borderforce #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
The search resumes for a fisherman pulled into the water by a shark during a fishing competition off the coast of Newcastle over the weekend. #sharkattack #fishing #fishingcompetition #tigershark #newcastle #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Brazen thieves have teamed up to steal a pair of bulldog puppies from a pet shop in Colorado, one of the crooks faking a seizure to distract shoppers while the other grabbed the dogs. #puppytheft #puppythief #petshop #puppy #bulldogs #thieves #brazenthieves #colorado #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Archaeologists have uncovered the first Pharaoh's tomb in over 100 years in Egypt. King Thutmose II's tomb was found near the Valley of the Kings. #pharaoh #ancienttomb #ancientegypt #egypt #king #valleyofthekings #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
The ships were spotted just 150 nautical miles off Sydney's coast late yesterday in an alarming show of force. #chinesewarships #warships #china #pacific #pacificrelations #neighbour #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
A teen has been apprehended by courageous onlookers after sneaking onto a plane armed with weapons. #planehijack #hijack #airport #geelong #ballarat #teen #teenager #arrest #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Queensland residents are being warned to brace for a potential weather event as Cyclone Alfred builds off the state's coastline. #cyclone #cyclonealfred #categoryone #lowpressuresystem #highpressuresystem #wind #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Members of a game fishing team ran into a 5.5 metre great white shark during a local fishing competition off the coast of Port Stephens in NSW. #shark #greatwhiteshark #fishing #fishermen #sharkattack #fishingcompetition #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Cyclone Alfred is set to make landfall across Queensland and NSW within a matter of hours. #cyclonealfred #cyclone #cyclonewatch #queensland #nsw #weather #naturaldisaster #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
A West Australian teen has been arrested for allegedly planning out a terrorist attack on a mosque in Sydney's southwest. #sydneyterrorthreat #foiledterrorplot #plot #foiled #sydney #westernaustralia #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
More than four million people are in the firing line as Cyclone Alfred tracks closer to the coast. #cyclonealfred #cyclone #alfred #tropicalstorm #storm #weatherevent #naturaldisaster #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Australian Idol sensation Iilysh was devastated when she couldn't get tickets to see Billie Eilish live, so Sunrise gave a helping hand to make her dreams come true 🤩 #AustalianIdol #BillieEilish #concerttickets #surprisetickets #surprise #freetickets #Sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Workers operated on the radiation shelter at the Ukrainian power plant after a Russian drone reportedly struck the protective shell with a highly explosive warhead. #chernobyl #chernobyldisaster #nuclearreactor #elephantsfoot #radiation #ukraine #russia #drone #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Parts of Melbourne and Geelong have been hit by a massive storm cell, which has caused serious damage across the state. #storm #fallentrees #lightning #thunder #Melbourne #Geelong #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️
Before his interview with Billie Eilish, Shirvo reached out to the parents of 17-year-old Charlize Zmuda, who was tragically killed by a shark at Bribie Island earlier this month, so they could send a message to the pop star. During her final Brisbane show, Billie dedicated her song 'Everything I Wanted' to Charlize. #billieeilish #charlizezmuda #sharkattackvictim #songdedication #billieeilishbrisbane #heartfeltmessage #sunriseon7 WATCH SUNRISE FOR MORE | @7plus ☀️