the only hero walk of shaming out of a villain’s room here is hawks i fear shshsh (at this point we should call this bird shenanigans + vpsc…and aizawa lMAO) but here is some clarification on aizawa’s situation with kurogiri✌️ #hawks #aizawa #keigotakami #eraserhead #lov #leagueofvillains #natsuo #dabihawks #natsushig #shiganatsu #ochako #togaraka #togaochako #mhaskit #bnha #mha #myheroacademia #erasermic #erasercloud #erasercloudmic
it was a fanfic that put me onto natsushig 🗣️🗣️🗣️ (and bkdk too…oOPS 🏃🏻💨💨) #mha #ao3 #bkdk #fanfic #csm (#yoshiden hELP rUNNING SO FAST) #atsuhina #natsushig #zosan (and the fanart okk i just need to do research about ship dynamics to see if it’ll interest me and that research is hcs, fanfic and fanart sue me idgaff) #todobaku #chiscara (yeah it’s getting wild helppp) #zukka (me pulling a tumblrina here with the way i tag slay)
hawks sings like a little birdie (haha i am so funny haha best joke ever) when he‘s drunk and dabi loves it #dabi #hawks #keigotakami #touya #touyatodoroki #bnha #myheroacademia #mhaskifs #leagueofvillains #mha #dabihawks
part two of mystery quirk!! yes it’s a quirk who’s surpised ✌️✌️ (yt and ig also lucidintohell!!) if you have any ideas what it could be i’d like to hear them ofccc you already left some in the comments of the other video 🙂↕️🙂↕️ maybeee you were close maybe noot we’ll see let’s hope bakugou will survive this (he secretly love it the tsundere) #bakugou #deku #mha #bnha #bkdk #bakugoukatsuki #izukumidoriya #myheroacademia #minaashido #kirishima #todoroki #denki #sero #mhaskit #bakudeku #bakudeku💚🧡
we all saw him hang up that poster afterwards didn’t we….(just a hc guyss just for sillies guuuys maybe sir nighteye handed it down to him or sth who knows) #deku #mha #allmight #sirnighteye #myheroacademia #bnha #izukumidoriya
lov shenanigans + bird but i am taking creative liberty yet aGAIN on toga's quirk (the scent of someone's blood changes based on their emotions because of hormones and she can smell blood v well soo she can also smell when 👀👀 yOU’LL SEE!! WATCH THE SKIT WHY ARE YOU EVEN READING THIS BEFORE FINISHING THE VID RAH) #dabi #hawks #dabihawks #bnha #toga #shigaraki #leagueofvillains #mha #touya #touyatodoroki #keigotakami #myheroacademia #hawksdabi #mhaskit
part 8 of “secret boyfriend” <33 with the parents…kinda 😭😭 and tHIS is why i never play them cuz 💀💀 idk how to capture their personality idk these ppl and idk how to play a grown adult helppp i hope they were kinda in character plsss #bakugou #deku #bakugoukatsuki #bkdk #izukumidoriya #mha #bnha #mitsukibakugou #masarubakugou #bakudeku #mhaskit #myheroacademia #bakudeku💚🧡
part 9 of “secret boyfriend” <33 the (ruined) wall of suspects makes a comeback yaay and despite what yall might think this is actually NOT the final part because i think both katsuki and deku deserve to find out how oblivious the other one was first 🙂↕️🙂↕️ #bakugou #deku #bakugoukatsuki #bkdk #izukumidoriya #mha #bnha #mhaskit #bakudeku #myheroacademia #bakudeku💚🧡
part 5 of mystery quirk!! katsuki doesn’t know all details about the quirk yet hehehe wonder what detail deku is keeping from him 🥰🥰 (let’s be real we all know…) ALSO!!! i got the idea for “desho” from a comment from <3 i thought it was so fun so i included it!!! #bakugou #katsukibakugou #deku #mha #bkdk #bnha #izukumidoriya #bakudeku #myheroacadamia #bakudeku💚🧡 #mhaskit
(edit: lOVE when this app just moves the background audio around for no reason 🙃 so it just doesn’t make sense anymoreee raaah sorry) yapper x listener duos are so cuuute and shinkami is the embODIMENT of that honestlyhshshs and shinsou might act annoyed but he finds it endearing (also yes denki is touchy and he doesn’t even notice and shinsou is all 🤯🤯🤯 internally about it but wtvvv) #denki #shinsou #mha #shinkami #bnha #kaminari #shinsouhitoshi #mhaskit #kaminaridenki #myheroacademia #kamishin
i have a mha discord server named after this if anyone wants to join (13+ tho!!) (also ignore the past two parts we will continue on from part 4!!) #bakugou #deku #izukumidoriya #bakugoukatsuki #bkdk #shoto #todoroki #ochako #mha #sero #minaashido #mhaskit #bnha #myheroacademia #bakudeku #bakudeku💚🧡
they’re both protective of each other in their own way <3 but i’ve focused so much on deku going feral over katsuki that we shouldn’t forget katsuki would beat up a b for deku too <3 esp when it’s someone being unecessarily mean to his nerd when he’s engaging in his silly hobbies #deku #bakugou #bnha #bakudeku #bakugoukatsuki #izukumidoriya #mha #bkdk #bakudeku💚🧡 #mhaskit #myheroacademia
final part of “secret boyfriend” hahaha wITH a little hint towards the next “series” in it 😋😋 (istg whoever guesses it gets a cookie i think it’s pretty subtle) ALSO “wall of shame” mention awww disc server insider <33 #bakugou #deku #minaashido #uraraka #bnha #bkdk #ochako #bakugoukatsuki #izukumidoriya #mhaskit #ochakouraraka #mha #bakudeku #myheroacademia #bakudeku💚🧡
villain partner groupchat series interlude with tgchk. (with THE NEXT special guest mention lmao…) ppl requested the girlies interacting so here yall goo #toga #ochako #togahimiko #ochakouraraka #togachako #togaraka #bnha #mha #mhaskit #myheroacademia #leagueofvillains
jealous sanji teehee my beloved <33 i am trying my hand on one piece skits shshsh be patient with me!!! (my perfectionist came through srryyy i needed to fix sth) #sanji #usopp #zoro #onepiece #onepieceskit #zosan #zorosanji
Replying to @tyr there is one thing much worse than being a spy in toga’s eyes hahaha (or lov shenanigans + (spy) bird when he realises everyone did just know already…) #dabi #hawks #dabihawks #takamikeigo #touya #touyatodoroki #toga #togahimiko #shigaraki #mha #leagueofvillains #bnha #shigarakitomura #mhaskit #myheroacademia
part 5 of wife deku <333 this series is mostly for sillies idk where it’s gonna go yet or if i’ll continue #deku #bakugou #katsukibakugou #bnha #denki #sero #bkdk #minaashido #mha #izukumidoriya #kaminari #bakudeku #mhaskit #myheroacademia #bakudeku💚🧡
kinda a part two to the sanji figure skit lmaoo i just wanna say no figures were harmed in the making of this video but a sanji was thoroughly weirded out hahaha #zoro #sanji #nami #onepiece #zosan #onepieceskit
rizz? or katsuki likes to believe it is at least…kiri on the other hand is concerned #bakugou #deku #kirishima #mha #bakugoukatsuki #izukumidoriya #bkdk #bnha #myheroacademia #bakudeku #mhaskit #bakudeku💚🧡