But here we are, somewhat miraculously, after seven years of secondary infertility, filled with hope that this one single healthy embryo continues to defy the odds. 🤍 #ivf
I’ll get a call in a few hours with the initial results, but even if the hcg concentration is over 50 (which would be GREAT news!!) I would not be in the clear. The most important test would still be to come — I’d need to be back in 48 hours Monday to test again and confirm that number doubled. If it did not double or it’s less than the baseline, I would likely be looking at a chemical pregnancy, which is a cruel & unique kind of devastation. Because of those stakes / sensitivity / uncertainty, I hope you can understand that I have to wait until after Monday night to share the definitive update on my bloodwork. I need the next 48 hours of private time to either grieve or process or confirm or celebrate and to communicate with my family. Regardless of the outcome, I’ll share the specifics Tuesday and remain so grateful to know that there are so many kind people who will be there to either share in my joy or to lift me up in my sorrow. It means the world. ❤️ #ivf
If it bleeds, it leads I guess. 🙃 I’m not trying to complain, and I know this comes with the territory when you share so much of your life and the realities of your infertility and IVF journey as transparently as I’ve tried to…. and I’m at peace with that. I’m just feeling hurt and finding it all a bit disheartening that the stories that drive clicks are only the news of shock/sorrow/grief and almost never ones of joy. (And no one reaches out for comment or to ask any questions, because it’s not actually about me as a person.) I also found the pregnancy loss trigger warning “which some readers may find distressing” ironic as *I* was definitely the reader who would find that piece most distressing. So I heeded the warning and closed it without reading. If you come across them I suggest you do the same. 🤍 I’m grateful for all the incredible journalists I’ve worked with who have handled my journey with grace, care, compassion, and completeness (and who also bothered to spell my name correctly ha) 🤍