Ada yang Relate kah Bunda2 dan Ayah2? You call it chaos, we call it a Family Vacation. And seeing your kids smile makes it all worth while. Dont just tell your kids about the world. Show them 💙⭐️⭐️☀️ #masyaallahtabarakallah #ShaquilleKailiDanuarta #JourellKenzieDanuarta #RogerChikaJourney #Australia #Sydney #GoldCoast #Melbourne
Gong Xi Fa Ca 🧧🏮 May the Year of the Snake bring wisdom, strength, and prosperity to us all ❤️ #masyaallahtabarakallah #ShaquilleKailiDanuarta #JourellKenzieDanuarta #RogerChikaJourney #GongXiFaCai
I want this I want that I want to experience everything this world could offer. Note to self : If you don’t travel, its the same as you live in a house but you never leave your room 💙 #masyaallahtabarakallah #ShaquilleKailiDanuarta #JourellKenzieDanuarta #RogerChikaJourney #Australia #Sydne #GoldCoast #Melbourne