Yg ga enak bukan ayam...tapi masuk sekolah pagi2..😂 Ada yg nangis bisa makan Gratis... Bahagia... Ada yg Komplain... Ayam nya kurang enak... You see... Rejeki tidak merubah manusia... Rejeki menunjukkan karakter manusia sebenarnya.
Diluar Scene ini... AZKA GEDUBRAAAK Jatoooh.. Mnrt BMKG dia takut Oma nya ngomong macem2...😂 Coba ECA sama AZKA klarifikasi di #PODHUB... Klarifikasi KENAPA JATUH TADI... @vidialdiano
Ini adalah Ayah #Nada @bheben_tfive This is a Beautiful Moment.. Setelah 2 kali operasi Tumor otak.. This is his condition right now... In my Office.. Singing together... As a Dad and a Daughter... Its lovely to see this moment.. And never worry my Brother.. While ur not here... I'll raise her as my Daughter as good as I could... Love you Bro. #deddycorbuzier
Sayang kalian semua... Cewe2 dikantor ini adalah backbone #CLOSETHEDOOR Srikandi2 yg kerja ga kenal waktu, and I know they love me too... Mereka juga yg suka bacain komen haters.. Krn gue ga pernah baca... Mereka yg bales kadang2 hahaha.. Kerja sama gue ga gampang... I'm a workaholic person.. and they always standby on my side... Side note... INI SEMUA SAYA BELI YA ..🤪 Kebetulan @sabrinachairunnisa_ sama @wandaponika@wandahouseofjewels lagi colabs... Jadi 1 bulan lalu.. gue bilang... Let me support you guys... By making a meaningful moment for my employees... to show love. It's love all way round. So.. Happy Valentine Day to you all.... ♥️