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Over 200M views on my first collab with @KANGFRVR Here’s another one 🔥🔥 #foryoupage #fyp #pentapping #hiphop
Pen tapping with a washboard 🔥🔥 @Cincinnati Washboards #fyp #foryoupage #pentapping
Imagine @Harry Mack and I at the lunch tables back in the day. It would’ve been legendary 🔥🔥 #foryoupage #fyp #pentapping #freestyle
Lunch table freestyle vibes with @koshadillz 🖊️🔥🔥 #foryoupage #fyp #pentapping
Teacher: Pay attention, this will be on the test 📝 Me and @naterosemusic in the back of the class 😂🔥 #foryoupage #fyp #pentapping #freestyle
@On The Radar Radio pen tap freestyle 🔥🔥🔥 #foryoupage #fyp #pentapping #ontheradar
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