Day date in the snow for a donut! 🍩❄️🫶🏼 #snowday #daydate #husbandsbelike #blendedwiththewoods #growingwithkelsey #marriage @KURTIS WOODS @Kelsey Pumel
The talked worked wonders btw… he left work early to come home and help me! He really is SUCH a great husband and daddy.. sometimes you just have to give them ✨perspective✨ - I made sure to tell him how much it meant to me that he came home and was so helpful. It was a hard day but we tackled it together and made it a GOOD day! 💗 #marriage #dadlife #momlife #parentsoftiktok #sickbaby #husbandwife @Kelsey Pumel @KURTIS WOODS
Always an eventful first 2 hours of the day 😂💗🫶🏼 #blendedwiththewoods #growingwithkelsey #morningroutine #morning #schoollife #Vlog #momlife #motherhood @Kelsey Pumel
After nap routine with my girlie pop! 💗🫶🏼 #kruehazel #momlife #sahm #blendedwiththewoods #growingwithkelsey #Vlog #afternoon #29weekspregnant #toddlermom #motherhood @Kelsey Pumel
I take all the credit. THATS MY GIRL! 🥰😊 #proudmom #raisingkobe #growingwithkelsey #blendedwiththewoods #momlife #raisetheloud #raisethemkind @Kelsey Pumel
Her rush to the stairs when she realizes it’s time for night night routine is so cute to me! Curtis and J switch off on it. This night he did bath while I cleaned the kitchen and fed the dogs.. and then I rocked Krue before putting her in bed to sleep. 😴🥰 #nighttimeroutine #blendedwiththewoods #kruehazel #growingwithkelsey #family #momlife #dadlife #parentsoftiktok @Kelsey Pumel
Fun little trip with these two cuties… 🫶🏼💗#ultabeauty @Ulta Beauty #momlife #parentsoftiktok #girlmom #girldad #raisingkobe #growingwithkelsey #motherhood #shopping #haul @Kelsey Pumel @KURTIS WOODS