Neng 😾😾
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Neng 😾😾 Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 32.62M Followers / Views 0.12% -
Average Likes 65.93K Likes / Views 24.74% -
Average Reviews 502 Reviews / Views 0.14% -
Average Share 4.01K Share / Views 1.24%
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Guys hari ini neng dan abang rendy abis tes darah dan scalling gigi, alhamdulillah semuanya lancar🙏🏻 hasil darah neng juga alhamdulillah bagus cuma masalah di glukosa mulai tinggi wkwkwk jd neng harus mulai merubah pola hidup 🤣 doain neng dan keluarga selalu sehat yaaa #nengkucing #catsoftiktok #anabul
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