In my culture, we have a 40 days confinement, where we strictly hibernate at home, eat nutritious meals and keep our feet warm. All the new mother has to do is feed the baby🧡 Do you do this in your culture? #postpartum #postpartumbody #newbaby
Village, village, village - I can’t say it enough! That’s what you need to survive motherhood. My mother is the village that helped me 👏🏼I would be so lost without her 😭 inshallah I can do the same for my daughter one day 🫶 Tag your village to tell them you appreciate them 🙏🏻🧡 #pregnancyjourney #postpartum #postpartumrecovery #motherhood #mothersday
One of the biggest and most important decisions you’ll ever make in life is your life partner/who you marry. Forget about everything else in the relationship or what you’ve been through so far together in life, it truly comes down to how much they care for you during your pregnancy and postpartum. The most vulnerable and loneliest time of any woman’s entire life. You never forget anything anyone has done for you or done to you during these times. My husband has been my ROCK. My college sweetheart - met at 17, married 12 years and together 17 years! My soulmate mashallah 🧿❤️🫶✨ #pregnant #pregnancyjourney #fertility
By the Grace of God, we have been blessed with our perfect baby boy - he has completed our little family 🩵🥹 If you’ve been here since the beginning, you’ll know I had suffered from unexplained infertility. After a long season of tears and suffering and then taking matters in to my own hands, we were blessed with our rainbow baby girl in 2021 🫶 In the last year, I had been extremely nervous to try again, as I was already so traumatised from infertility previously. But my body was in the best health it had ever been in years and I had hope. Allhumdullilah to my shock and surprise - it was the complete opposite - I got pregnant on the first cycle and it was a viable healthy pregnancy 🙏🏻 (previously having suffered from a miscarriage). This is the biggest blessing I could ever ask for - if you’ve been here before you know. I always dreamt of being a boy and girl mom - my prayers answered Allhumdullilah 🩵💗 you get the best of both worlds 🙏🏻 Please keep me in your prayers whilst I recover from my c-section and we adjust to being a family of 4 and a mum of two!! 🫶😩☺️😭 To those struggling with infertility and loss, please do not lose hope. I've been there and it's one of the hardest things to deal with but miracles happen by the will of God. Keep the faith and remain strong because your miracle will happen too 🙏🏻 #babyannouncement #fertility #babylove
It really wasn’t that deep - I took the show too seriously 😅 Anyways, we are finally restocking my constant sell out Hormone Balance supplements - this Sunday at 12pm GMT! #theapprentice
Everything I ever dreamed of 💘 Photo dump of pregnancy and postpartum: 1. Those moments after giving birth is a feeling I wish I could live 1000x over 🥹 2. Push presents - I suddenly became obsessed with the colour blue 🩵 3. Getting used to my new postpartum body 4. Newborn bubble 🫧 5. Big sister is so proud 🫶 6. Moments before my c-section - I was petrified! 7. Hurts me so much to not cuddle or hold my toddler whilst I’m in pain 😢 8. It was my 34th birthday and in the thick of postpartum 🎂 9. Little brother 10. Business resumes as usual - no maternity leave here lol but I love it Allhumdullilah 🙏🏻 11. Paper plates and cups whilst we adjust 12. Blood thinning injection for 10 days after birth - I can’t stand needles! 13. Doona stroller/car seat for the win 14. I know the best supplements to take after birth - will share soon 15. My c-section got infected for the first time - been through 3 lots of antibiotics 😩 16. My mum leaves a fruit plate in my room every night 🥹 17. Blue dresses all through pregnancy 🩵 18. Your amazing testimonials and du’as are the reason to why The Pharmacist Beauty is where it is today 🙏🏻 #pregnancy #postpartum #csection