Click (+) to stay on #StudyTok so I can teach you the most EFFECTIVE study techniques & save your grades!! ✅📚💯🧠 - #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation #studyhelp #studywithme
Every students’ best friend during exam time! ✅📚🧠💯 - WHAT IS SPACED REPETITION? 📆 This is a highly effective study technique where you review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: Say you learn something in class that day. You would then review the content… —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. The beauty of Spaced Repetition is that you only need to go over your notes briefly each time. Say 15-20mins. You can make it more effective by combining it with practice questions, Flashcards, Blurting etc. This means that when exams come around, you don’t NEED to revise. You will have already committed the info to long term memory! You can jump straight into doing practice exams & focus on APPLICATION, which is way way way more effective than relearning theory. Ultimately, this will allow you to do much BETTER on your exams & get the top grades! ✅🏆💯 - #studyhacks #studytips #studytok #memoryhacks #memorytraining #examrevision #examseason #examready
Trust me, this study hack will change your life! ✅💯 - THE FEYNMAN TECHNIQUE 👩🏽🏫: 1️⃣ Learn the content (eg. read through your textbook, write notes, watch YT videos) 2️⃣ Teach the subject to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child, a friend, a family member, stuffed toys if desperate). Talk as MUCH as you want - the more the better!! Doing so will force you to simplify the content, use analogies and examples to better explain, and truly highly the areas YOU yourself don’t fully understand. It will also encourage you to commit the information to memory, as when you teach, you are saying things out loud, using body language, and fully engaging to convey your message. Extra points if you make a Presentation to go with it 💻 3️⃣ Revisit the areas that you got stuck on, and develop your understanding/better ways of explaining them. 🤔 4️⃣ Retry until perfect!! 🏆 - #studyhack #studytips #studytok #studywithme #examseason #examrevision #exams
The greatest comeback of all time is yours! 🧠✅👩🏼🎓💯 - WHAT TO DO: 1️⃣ Hard Reset 🖲️ - pull the plug and restart. This means taking some time off from studying entirely. At least a weekend, maybe even a whole week. During this time, do whatever you want to do without feeling guilty. Rot, see your friends, eat delicious food etc etc On the last day or last hour, start thinking about what you want your life to look like. Create a Pinterest board, set some SMART goals, or even ask ChatGPT to describe a day in your ideal life. This will help you leave everything behind, and get into the mindset you need for the upcoming comeback. . 2️⃣ Second Brain 🧠 - start using technology to organise your life & manage the information thrown at you you, so that you can focus on important things like study, without being overwhelmed. For example, use a Calendar to keep track of events and due dates for assignments, use a To-Do list to track tasks and use the notes App to write down anything that you might have to remind yourself of later. . 3️⃣ Active Recall 🤔 - this is one of the best study techniques that will help you improve your grades FAST. It is anything that requires you to retrieve information when prompted, without reading/looking at your notes. In doing so, you train your brain to memorise the information in anticipation for the next time it is asked to recall, resulting in much more EFFECTIVE learning & retention. Examples include: Flashcards, Blurting, Practice Questions. . 4️⃣ Study Planning ✍🏼 - plan out your study sessions before you start, or even plan out your week beforehand. This will help you prioritise what you need to do, and stop you from feeling overwhelmed or distracted by worrying about how much you have to do (as you know you’ll have planned out time to do it). If you allocate a set amount of time for each task, you’ll also push yourself to get things done faster, as you’ll be working against the clock, providing a sense of urgency. - #burnoutrecovery #burnoutprevention #studentwellbeing #mentalhealthmatters
Get your work done like 10X faster!! 💯🧠🏆✅ - THE POMODORO METHOD ⏱️: Study for 25min, then rest for 5 mins. Repeat x4 then take a longer 10-20min break. This is an insanely effective way to stay focused & efficient, eliminating distractions and allowing you to get what would take other people a whole day done in just a couple of hours! ✅👏🏽 The 25 minute block creates a sense of urgency, so you work efficiently. However the frequent breaks prevent you from burning out! As you train your focus, extend the study period to 45mins, and break for 10mins. - #studyhacks #studysmart #studytips #productivitytips #productivity #studyskills #students #studentlife #studentproblems
PS: more info in my latest YT video - link in bio 📲 . #Studytips #studyhacks #studygram #studymotivation #studyspo #studyspiration #students #studentlife #examtips #examready #topstudent #goodgrades
Thank me later, after you score full marks on your exam 😮💨✅💯🧠 - I’ll be posting a detailed explanation of the “Traffic Light System 🚦” in the comments! . Follow me to bring my comments to the top 🤝🏽 - #studytips #examrevision #examready #examseason #exams #studyhacks
Prove them wrong! 👩🏼🎓 ✅🧠💯 - THE BLURTING METHOD 📣 1️⃣ On a blank sheet of paper, write down EVERYTHING you can remember about the topic * From memory only (don’t look at your notes) 2️⃣ Compare what you’ve written down to your notes. Highlight the areas that you forgot. 3️⃣ Repeat until you can write down everything from memory! 4️⃣ If you have time, finish it off with some practice exams to apply your knowledge - #studyhacks #examtips #examready #exams #studytips #studymotivation #studentlife
THANK YOU #STUDYTOK FOR EVERYTHING 🙏🏽🥰 We’ve come such a long way together and I am infinitely proud of each and every one of you xx - PS: I am Australian so I will still be posting 😅 ##throwback##studytips##studyhelp##studymotivation##studentlife
Be the BEST version of yourself in 2025!! ✅🧠🏆💯 - Comment to stay on #Studytok and learn all of the most effective ways to study 📲 . #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation #newyearresolution #2025goals
These study techniques will turn you into a genius! 🧠✅👩🏼🎓 - 1️⃣ Spaced Repetition 📆 - review content at regular, increasing intervals. For example: —> when you get home from school —> again that weekend —> the weekend after —> in a fortnight —> in a month —> in 3 months. This will help you REMEMBER the content much easier & for longer, overcoming the curve of forgetting. And when exams come around , you’ll have already committed all the info to memory! . 2️⃣ Timed Practice ⏰ - do practice exams under full exam conditions (eg without notes, complete silence, reading time if applicable and no breaks). This will help you learn to apply the content, and develop exam technique. For any mark you lost, learn WHY. Save the question and reattempt it a few days later to ensure you remember how to answer correctly moving forward. . 3️⃣ SQ3R 🤓 - actively engage with anything you read using the following steps: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. Creating your own questions that you then answer when reading through the text makes it more engaging and memorable . 4️⃣ Feynman Technique 👩🏼🏫 - learn the content (eg. read through your textbook, write notes, watch YT videos) then try to teach the subject to someone who is unfamiliar with the topic (e.g. a child, a friend, a family member, stuffed toys if desperate). Revisit the areas that you got stuck on, and develop your understanding/better ways of explaining them, and then retry until perfect!! . - #studytok #studytips #studyhacks #studymotivation
The new you is the definition of success 🔥🏆 - Posting the definition of ‘Active Study’ in the comments - follow to bring them to the top 📚 . #studytips #studyhacks #studytok #studentlife #students #examready #examrevision