AD It’s restock day! I love a fridge restock video and I’ve always wanted to make my own. We have the Samsung Family Hub fridge which has an internal camera to log which foods you put in and take out of the fridge. Another favourite feature I love about this fridge is that you can change the bottom right section of the fridge, depending on how you use it. Perfect for stocking drinks to keep them crisp! #BespokeAI #SamsungBespoke #Samsung
Have you ever felt Bespoke AI WindFree™? It isn’t just an air conditioner that works well, but the one that works for you—effortlessly, intuitively. #BespokeAIWindFree knows, so you always stay cool. Learn more about the #WindFree AirConditioner from #Samsung
Want a Settings shortcut? Find the settings you need with this shortcut 👀 #GalaxyAI #GalaxyS25Ultra #GalaxyS25 #EpicTips #Samsung Learn more:
Turn your calls into notes, get instant summaries, and find keywords with Call Transcript 📝📲 #GalaxyAI #GalaxyS25Ultra #GalaxyS25 #EpicTips #Samsung
My favorite feature of my Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex™ Refrigerator with AI Family Hub™+ is definitely it’s beverage center! It’s my goal going into the new year to drink more water and it's going to be so easy with my new Bespoke! #BespokeAI #SamsungBespoke #Samsung
Have you ever felt Bespoke AI WindFree™? It isn’t just an air conditioner that works well, but the one that works for you—effortlessly, intuitively. #BespokeAIWindFree knows, so you always stay cool. Learn more about the #WindFree #AirConditioner from #Samsung
Unleash your creativity with customizable #Flipsuit Cards and sync your phone by sliding in your favorite card, for a #Galaxy experience that's all your own. #LooneyTunes #Joguman #WeBareBears #GalaxyAI #GalaxyS25Ultra #GalaxyS25 #FlipsuitCase #Samsung
Meet my new Samsung Bespoke 4-Door Flex™ Refrigerator with AI Family Hub™+ My new fridge is easily the coolest appliance I’ve ever owned and I keep discovering new things that I love about it everyday! #BespokeAI #SamsungBespoke #Samsung
So proud of Jet Bot Combo™ AI for achieving its dreams. No surprise, though. It’s intelligent enough to recognize and avoid specific objects, customize its vacuum style to floor type, and even clean itself with the All-in-One Clean Station. #Harvard #HarvardTrend #CollegeAcceptance #JetBotComboAI #BespokeAI #Samsung