MY LAST OB APPOINTMENT 🍼👶🏽🩵 im finally getting to editing all the videos i had filmed prior to sh*t hitting the fan and little man coming early, so stick with me as we get caught up 😂 i will be posting a full birth story on yt soon! #firsttimemom #newmom #pregnancyjourney #37weekspregnant #obgyn #induction #birthstory #preeclampsia #pregnantlife
meet little MJ 🩵 2/2/2025 After 3 days in labor he arrived safely earthside via C Section & then immediately went to the NICU. It wasn’t what I had in mind or how I pictured my birth going, but I’d do it a million times over again for him. I will be sharing back logged videos from before his arrival, my labor, and my birth story, but I wanted to let you know we are both safe and just soaking in all the newborn cuddles 🥺🩵
MY 3 DAY LABOR/INDUCTION VLOG *37 weeks & ended in a c section* I WAS SO SCARED LOL definitely not the experience I was hoping for but we are both safe and that’s what matters. I will have a MUCH more detailed video on YT soon! But enjoy some snip its lol #birthvlog #induction #newmom #firsttimemom #pregnancyjourney #37weekspregnant
36 WEEK OB APPOINTMENT 🍼🤰🏼👶🏽🩵 trying to not stress out over here, but also the first time I’ve received not good news after a scan 🥺 #firsttimemom #newmom #pregnancyjourney #obgyn #36weekspregnant #pregnant #pregnantlife
ROUND 2 OF OUR 36 WEEK OB APPOINTMENT DIDNT GO SO HOT LOL *ended up in the hospital* #firsttimemom #newmom #pregnancyjourney #obgyn #36weekspregnant #preeclampsia #pregnantlife #pregnant
CHILL MORNING VLOG *it’s officially my last week before I give birth to a whole human* IM TERRIFIED #firsttimemom #newmom #pregnancyjourney #36weekspregnant #preeclampsia #pregnantlife #pregnant #morningvlog #morningroutine #induction #relatable
trying our hardest to get back into a good routine & trying to feel human again we will see if the @ken cradic method works bc she is a superwoman #newmom #ftm #firsttimemom #postpartum #grwm #easygrwm #simplemakeup #momlifestyle
got my nails done by @Nailsbyaran and I’m OBSESSEDDDDD! needed this postpartum so bad! We are back in our fun nails era! #nailinspo #springnails #gelxnails
POSTPARTUM NIGHT VLOG working our way through the newborn trenches and trying to find our new normal 🩵 #firsttimemom #pumpandpour #newmom #nightroutine #nightvlog #postpartum #realisticmomlife