As you've read a million times in the last week, I just wanted to say thank you before this is all gone. This video changed everything for me. It got me clients, it got me booked out events in cities all across the country, it helped me provide for my family and most of all it helped me believe in my own creativity. I've been on here since 2019 and I can honestly say it brought creativity back into my life in a way I didn't know I needed. I'll be over on Instagram for the time being and I have an email list you can jump on for travel updates, photoshoot bookings and future photographer content. Otherwise thank you friends, it's been real 🫶✌🏻 And remember smiling is always optional 😏 #moodymini #illsmileifiwantto #portraitphotographer #kidsphotographer
Darling, you are a work of art. You have the ability to fully display beauty apart from vanity, influence apart from manipulation, style apart from materialism, kindness apart from passivity, strength apart from competition and dignity apart from degradation. You are a catalyst to change the world around you through your wit, wisdom, character and courage--all while creating beauty and embodying love. You are not only interesting but original, not only good enough but exceptional -- not just here but here for a purpose. You always bring something to the table. ALWAYS. And remember we only smile if we want to 😏 #internationalwomensday #darlingyou #moodymini #photoshootideas #illsmileifiwantto #poseideas