Join the #KayeahDanceChallenge trend and win ₱10,000 to the beat of @Powerhouse newest jingle! 🎶💪🏻 #SaPowerhouseKayeah #KayeahDanceChallenge #PowerhouseTools
JAPANESE INVASION @Gerry Go @WillDevaughn@Giu Comia @Ube King Fact check: Gerry the bday has been doing the choreo for 2years straight and still doesn’t have it in the bag 😂😂😂 HAPPY BDAY GERRY and thanks to Will for saving this one! 😝😝😝
CHANGE CAREER And this was the very first possession! Haha Special thanks to @1pacman.partylist & Capital1 with Coach @cruzleilaa & @romaaamae for teaching us! 💚💛 My support system is STRONG! #TeamPasabog 🌋 #1PacmanPartylist #Capital1 #EruptionMotivation #VolleyballIsLife 🔥