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#ad @Dove Beauty & Personal Care just sent me the sweetest surprise 🍓✨ Just add plant milk for glowing skin! #DovePartner #feedyourglow #doveplantmilkcleanser
Time to TAP IN👏🏽🔥 full body✨ @Gymshark ‘ALEXUS10’ #fyp #fitnessmotivation #workout #athomeworkout #Vlog #fullbodyworkout #motivation
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WHO IS SHE???😍 hair done by @Amorology 🤍 #fyp #sewin #hair #Vlog
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productive day in my life🎧💓✨👩🏽🏫 @Gymshark ALEXUS10 #fyp #Vlog #college #collegelife #productivity #grwm #motivation
Bouncey lashes with @Benefit Cosmetics Bad Gal Bounce Mascara💓 #benefitpartner #badgalbounce #benefitmascara
BTS at my @On @footlocker shoot! So grateful to have teamed up with On and Footlocker for this incredible partnership!✨ Cloudnova 2 available now at Foot Locker Cloudnova2 #FootLocker
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