i am such a foodie like food makes me so happy and everyday is good because i eat yummy food everyday 😂🤤☺️💖💘 what was your favourite think you ate today??? xxxx
FOODIES UNITE !!!!💕💕💕💕 You’re allowed to eat more than your friends and your partner and it’s GOOD to listen to your body 😌😌😌😌🥞🥞🥞🥞🍓🍓🍓🍓 electrolytes were sooo yummy from @Free Soul code BROOKE saves you £££ off besties xxxx
Your food has gotta go somewhere and having a lil bloated tummy is nothing to be ashamed of !!!🤍 it’s very very very normal and shouldn’t hold you back in anyway🥹🥹🥹
Girls with a big appetite, where we at????😌😌😌 food is good and that’s all that matters to me💝💝💝💝 how fun that I literally carb load every day!? That literally means I’m ready to run at any moment 💪🏼
@Runna telling me what runs to do🤝me doing the runs Runna is making my running journey SO enjoyable and helping SO much🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 code BROOKE2 lets you try it for freeeeee💖💖💖 ad outfit is @Gymshark !!! code BROOKE10 gets ££ off besties xxx
Sometimes you just got to listen to what feels right and to me, it’s more important for me to enjoy my training than put pressure on myself💗 Outfit is @Gymshark code BROOKE10 to save☺️xxxx
So much fun with such lovely girlies !!! 🥹🥹🥹🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️💖💖💖⭐️⭐️⭐️ @HOLLY BROOKS outfit is @myprotein code BROOKE to save + @Gymshark code BROOKE10 to save xxx
Just in case you needed the reminder that being a human isn’t always picture perfect ❤️🩹 I actually think sometimes I forget that some people actually don’t struggle with anxiety 99% of the time and don’t need quiet time for majority of the day but these things are all very real for me so if you’re the same, you’re not alone🥹🥹🥹🥹
The year of opening up and trying my best to just allow myself to be me!🫶🏼 however that might be in the moment and no matter who I’m around🥹 anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of and I know I shouldn’t put a facade on because I’m worried about raining on other peoples parade!! I’m just as loveable anxious or not😁xxxx Gym outfit is @Gymshark 💝 code BROOKE10 saves money off besties!!xxxxx
emphasis on ‘if you enjoy something, then that's a good enough reason to do it'!!!⭐️ because somewhere along the line, we started to put ourselves down for not being the best at something???? like thats what matters instead of actually listening to how good it makes us feel🥹 i'm using @Runna to train for a half marathon and with my injury i'm coming back from, i didn't think i'd be able to complete the half tbh - but Runna literally have a plan for everyone and everything and i'm feeling pretty damn confident that i'll be able to cross that finish line with the help from Runna😌🏃♀️😃💛 if you want to try Runna for yourself, code ‘BROOKE2' gets you 2 weeks free so you can see if its for you before you commit🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 ad
It’s okay if sometimes your anxiety takes control💖 we’re allowed to feel!!!! Our struggles are individual to us and all deal with things differently 🫶🏼 Tracksuit and run outfit is @myprotein !!! Code BROOKE to save 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
I RAN A HALF MARATHON!!!!🥹 I literally couldn’t run a couple of months ago because of my injury, to not only completing a half marathon, but running it only 4 mins off my PB😁🤭 I honestly owe it all to @Runna 😌💖 there is NO WAY I could’ve done it without the Runna training plan🫶🏼 code BROOKE2 lets you try for free too!!💗 Ben went from a 2hr21 -> 1hr59 half mara since using Runna👏👏👏 xxxxx