FRIED SPAGHETTI ALLA VODKA PASTA SQUARES from @Unregular Pizza for the WIN. 🍝🔥🤤 We are so back. #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #pasta #spaghetti #vodkasauce #unregularpizza #friedpasta #cheese #cheesy #italian #italianfood #nyc #nycfood #asmr #asmrfood
The “PIGGY GOT SMOKED” BACON PIZZA from @Tony Boloney’s in New Jersey! 🥓🍕🔥 The perfect amount of bacon with their bacon-packed vodka sauce, mozzarella, and their bacon-greased ranch! Who’s hungry?? #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #bacon #baconpizza #pizza #njpizza #newjersey #tonyboloneys #njfood #cooking #Recipe #pizzamaking
The DIRE WOLF WRAP from @Wolfnights: the gourmet wrap in NYC is a MUST-DEVOUR! 🌯🔥🤤 So good. #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #wolfnights #wolfnightswraps #nyc #lambbacon #friedchicken #burrito #nycfood #newyorkcity #lunchnyc #nyclunch
Georgian KHACHAPURI in the making from @Saperavi NYC! 🧀🥖 Cheese-filled bread for the win. Love this spot! 🤤 #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #asmr #asmrfood #georgianfood #cheesebread #khachapuri #cheese #cheese #pizza #nyc #saperavi #saperavinyc #newyorkcity #nycfood
Have you DEVOURED a giant tray of Texas & Dominican style BBQ at @Bark Barbecue in Brooklyn NYC yet?! 🔥🤤 It doesn’t get much better than this! 💪 #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #barkbarbecue #barkbbq #bbq #bbqtok #foodies #foodblog #brooklyn #nyc #nycfood #beefrib #brisket #macncheese #chicharron #ribs #sausage #meat #barbecue
We cannot and will never get enough of @Palmira Barbecue in Charleston, SC! 🔥🔥🤤🤤 #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #charleston #charlestonsc #southcarolina #beef #beefcheek #foodblog #foodies #barbacoa #sausage #travel #bbq #barbecue #palmirabbq #palmirabarbecue
The GOOMBAH COWBOY SUB from @Tony Boloney’s in New Jersey! 🥩🍕🧀🥖🔥 Just the right amount of pepperoni… #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #pepperoni #cheesesteak #tonyboloneys #foodblog #foodies #cheesy #pepperonipizza #newjersey #njfood #jerseycity #atlanticcity #hoboken #ribeye #vodkasauce #cooking #Recipe
BUTTER CHICKEN EMPANDAS for the WIN at @Shirleys India in New Rochelle, NY! 🥟🍗🔥🤤 Incredible Indian fusion coming out of this spot! #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #foodtiktok #butterchicken #shirleysindia #newrochelle #newyork #newrochelleny #indianfood #Indian #indianfusion
Do yourself a favor and DEVOUR all the Indian food at @Mauka Indian Cuisine in Eatontown, NJ! 🔥🤤 #DEVOURPOWER #fyp #foryou #mauka #maukaindiancuisine #eatontown #newjersey #njfood #indianfood #foodblog #foodies #butterchicken #chickenlollipop #cheesenaan #naan #cheesynaan #allout #indian