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How I get a glowy makeup base, hope this helps! @Mixsoon US Official #mixsoonpartner #mixsoon, #mixsooncentella, #koreanskincare, #glassskin #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt #skintok #mixsoonbeanessence #mixsooncentella
Accepting = maturing Serum @Glow Recipe Moisturizer @Drunk Elephant Sunscreen stick @Abib Cosmetics Concealer cream @tarte cosmetics Contour stick @MERIT Beauty Blush @Benefit Cosmetics Eyebrow pencil @Unleashia Global Eyeshadow too cool for school - art class cosmetics Setting powder @Laura Mercier Eyelash curler @MUJI無印良品 Mascara waterproof @Maybelline NY Lip liner @makeupforever Lip oil @Clarins Official Highlight @Diorbeauty Hair styler @Shark Beauty hair oil @Olaplex
All products used in order 🔗🔗 @Mixsoon US Official @CCA @Unleashia Global @makeupbymario @merit @SHEGLAM @Laura Mercier @sheglam @Maybelline NY @revlon @sheglam @Diorbeauty @Benefit Cosmetics
Such a peaceful quiet day ☕️ recipe inspired by @Beingwellishot
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