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Maybe you’re breaking out because you don’t remove your makeup & sunscreen well 😱 well try this 2 in 1 cleanser #DrLeo #DrleoCleanser #Drleo2in1Cleanser #FacialWash #drleo #drleoPH #cleanser #skincare #facialcleanser #ClearSkin #Tiktokshoppayday #tiktokshopfunpayday #funtasticpaydaysale #fyp #foryoupage #FridayFriyay #FridayFriday #acnetreatment #skincareroutine #skintok #TikTokShopCNYSale #tiktokshop22doubleup
Replying to @terie083 so this is why i may seem desperate. I know mali since my parents would prefer i take my time even if that means they don’t get to see me with my future family #kwentobabe
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