Karma Carr
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Karma Carr Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 11.57M Followers / Views 0.05% -
Average Likes 36.33K Likes / Views 23.54% -
Average Reviews 256 Reviews / Views 0.14% -
Average Share 1.72K Share / Views 0.95%
Karma Carr Hot Videos
LEAVE that horse alone he dont want u. please (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
idk if americans are just quite round but british people are so angular?? Idek is there science behind this (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
need to go back in time and remove phones from every middle school in the tri state area (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
why can’t we just kiki u gotta go and make it WEIRD. (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
im trying to decide if i should do more braids or a weave/braid thingy style.. i need it to last while im abroad (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
Enough of the disrespect abeg. (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
#stitch with @isa i feel really passionately about this and i know i will get heat for it but i need to say something like florida schools did irreperable damage to me
it hurts so bad i fell to my knees. (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
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