Karma Carr
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Karma Carr Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 6.58M Followers / Views 0.01% -
Average Likes 20.64K Likes / Views 30.21% -
Average Reviews 131 Reviews / Views 0.15% -
Average Share 908 Share / Views 0.94%
Karma Carr Hot Videos
TO AN EXTENT THOUGH pda is only cute to me when it’s not Toooooo excessive. it’s nice to adore & be adored IN PRIVATE (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
idgaf now. my bonnet is pink it’s a cute accessory (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
but why are jamaicans so good at math. it’s that damn abacus.. MI MISERABLE (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
the WEIGHT in my heart i cannot even describe it bro. i sounded like i caught the holy spirit(alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
please and thank u ok!! buhbye (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
it’s “a natural woman” type of love or nothing for me aretha franklin was GOING THROUGH IT. (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
i won’t stop until i have the life i deserve on everything idc idc idc (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
it’s hell on earth and the city’s on fire in hell in hell there’s heaveen OAOAOOOAAHH (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
like i do not feel peaceful!! a lack of accountability and a lack of chaos do not have to go hand in hand at all. (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
LIKE DAMN WE CAN DO OTHER THINGS!!! did you know i could draw.. (alt: @karma (´◠ω◠`) )
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