vlog, chill out, calm daily life(1370843)
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من كان عندها نفس هاي الكيمرا قبل ؟ 😍📸💗 (dsz5429)رابط المنتجات فوق في البايو 🎀💗#bahrain #البحرين #pink #camera #وردي #temu #temuramadan #temusavebig
Kupiłem sekretną paczkę w automacie 🫣 #nowybiznes #zwrotykonsumenckie #amazonreturns #gadzety #mysterybox #elektronika
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Kiểu này sẽ giảm bớt áp lực tặng quà cho nhau lắm đó mấy bà 🥰🥰. Duyên mê cái chai dầu tẩy trang này của Shu kinh khủng luôn đó #LearnOnTikTok #goclamdep #beauty #skincare #ultime8
¡Mi bebé mayor ya es un preadolescente y aproveché esta oportunidad para limpiar su cuarto! Y Encontré varias sorpresas en el camino. #smartypantspartner *than leading kids multi brand’s top selling item, based on $ Sales, IRI InfoScan, and Mulo, 06/2023 - 06/2024
Chưa có kem dưỡng tay nào tốt như kem này#reviewlamdep #xuhuong #kemduongdataychan #phaidepngaynay
Pêcher à l'aimant en face d'un château avec une histoire riche ? Oui mais non ! Heureusement on a plus d'un tour dans notre sac ! #pechealaimant #pecheurdetresors
Ожидали такое?😁 #челлендж #челленж #игра #челендж #настольнаяигра
Erewhon smoothie cake! How did it turn out? #cakesbymarian #cakedecorating #cake #realisticcake #realorcake #erewhon
Disney have introduced their first Christian character in 20 years just months after cancelling a transgender storyline from the same show. The debut episode of the new Pixar Disney+ series “Win or Lose” features a character called Laurie, the daughter of the team’s softball coach who struggles with insecurity. In one of her first scenes in the show, she begins with the words “heavenly father”. A cutout of an angel is also placed in Laurie’s bedroom. This is the first Christian character from Disney since their 2007 film “Bridge to Terabithia”, in which kids Jessie and Leslie attend church together and discuss religion. The new animated series received backlash last year when it was reported that a story arc involving a transgender character was removed from the show. According to an article by the Hollywood Reporter, while the character starring in the episode remains the same, references to her gender identity were removed. A Disney spokesperson said: “When it comes to animated content for a younger audience, we recognize that many parents would prefer to discuss certain subjects with their children on their own terms and timeline.” One transgender ex-Pixar employee said the decision to remove the storyline was “100% political”. #disney #disneyplus #winorlose #transgender #christianity #lgbtqia
Trả lời @amistar4392 cách để kén tóc chắc chắn, đều, đẹp #happipham #tocdep #tocdai #uontocdep #goclamdep #tiplamdep #xuhuong
Just another normal day!😀 #Vlog #familyvlog #dayinmylife #FamilyFun
Toenail #toenails #nails #ingrowntoenail #toenailcare #toenailremoval #nailremoval
THIS is how parmigiano reggiano cheese is made ‼️ what a dream, @gourmetgab!
It feels like the biggest weight has been taken off my shoulders! I can’t wait to get back into making content so what do you guys wanna see from me?! Also a massive thank you to everyone for your lovely comments and messages they don’t go unnoticed!💗💗💗
Cynthia Erivo is facing backlash after announcing her first major role since Wicked. In an Instagram story posted on Tuesday 18 February, the actress revealed she will be playing Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Superstar at the Hollywood Bowl, writing: “Just a little busy this summer, can’t wait”. The rock-opera, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice, follows Jesus and his disciples during the last week of his life. While some users on social media have called the casting "blasphemous", this isn’t the first time a woman or a person of colour has played the titular role in Jesus Christ Superstar. Erivo previously played Mary Magdalene in an all-female version of the musical in 2020, with actress Morgan James taking on the role of Jesus, and in 2018, singer John Legend also played the Messiah in a live TV production. Cynthia will be taking on the role as Jesus between August 1 and August 3 at the Hollywood Bowl. #cynthiaerivo #jesuschristsuperstar #jesus #hollywoodbowl #lgbtqia
dikuncir gini kan? #settingspraydazzleme #acnesettingspray #dailyvlog #finance #worklife #Vlog #adayinmylife
Легкий в приготовлении и очень вкусный пирог с картофелем и фаршем 🥧 #пирогрецепт #пирогсмясом #вкусноибыстро #семьяихобби #кокшетау #готовимдома #готовка #люблюготовить #моехобби #вкусно
Respuesta a @galejoagudelo REVIVIENDO EL TWINGO: DÍA 2 ⚙️ #mecanica #mecanicaautomotriz #DIY #herramientas #auto #twingo #renault #girlpower
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Uốn tóc không nhiệt đẹp, dễ làm nhất mọi thời đại #happipham #tocdep #tocdai #uontocdep #goclamdep #tiplamdep #xuhuong
Novo modelo elétrico na area! Scooter Jet de 1000w de potência! Conheça todos os nossos modelos falando conosco agora mesmo! #scooter #scootereletrica #motoeletrica #mobilidade
#ad Tartar de salmón y arroz crujiente, con @Lékué España Hoy os traigo junto con @lekuees un aperitivo gourmet perfecto para sorprender en estas fiestas. Una combinación de sabores que sorprende y que no dejará a nadie indiferente… 📝 INGREDIENTES RECETA👨🏻🍳 ▪️240g de arroz bomba ▪️500-550ml de agua ▪️20ml de vinagre de arroz ▪️20g azúcar ▪️Sal al gusto 🔸Tartar picante de salmón: ▪️Lomo de salmón (unos 250g) ▪️3 cucharadas soperas de mayonesa ▪️1 cucharada sopera de salsa de soja ▪️1-2 cucharadas de sriracha (en función de cuanto te guste el picante) ▪️Sal y pimienta al gusto (con cuidado, porque la salsa de soja ya tiene sal) ▪️10ml aceite de sésamo (opcional) ▪️Cebollino picado . . . #lekue #canape #tartardesalmon #aperitivos #cocinaentiktok
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✨escuchamos pero no juzgamos✨ *el final está potenteee* @sinombligo #humor #fyp #parati
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como colar cilios tufinho com a cola Salon pro ( cola fria) . . . . #cilios #extensaodecilios #shopee #shein #ciliosfioafio
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Cách làm sụn rong biển cực kỳ ngon miệng, đẹp da, dáng, tóc nhanh dài #happipham #duongda #làmđẹp #tiplamdep #seamos
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Most people miss this experience in Japan #japanlife #japan #fyp #japanesefood #foodjapan
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Trả lời @Hoàng Nam Mấy bà nào tay chân khô sần không được mềm mại thì vào đây tui chỉ bí quyết cho #reviewlamdep #kemduongdataychan #phaidepngaynay #lamdepkhongkho
Alors qu’avez vous préféré sur moi ? Vous pensez que je dois sauter le pas ? 🥳 #wig #hair #newhair #Vlog #storytime #tsniout #teacher #mom
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Une découverte dégueulasse. Il se passe quoi par ici ? 😭😢 #pecheurdetresors #pechealaimant #decouvert #ted
Mọc tóc nhanh nhất trên đời này #happipham #moctoc #rungtoc #duongtoc #goclamdep #lamdep #xuhuong
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