Not me realizing this 4 months later after he teased this 😭 fully listened to the lyrics this time $$$#partynextdoor #kdot #diss #response #albumotw #ovo #drake
Sorry SZA, Sorry Taylor, Sorry Sabrina. PND TAKING OVER POP AGAINNNN. This for all the haters that say party sounds the same in every songs. #partynextdoor #ovo #pop #justjokes #donttakemeseriously #fyp
“Greedy” the closing song, saved best for last, blends the sensuality of modern R&B with the soulfulness of classic love songs, making it an evocative anthem about indulgence, obsession, and the irresistible pull of desire. #partynextdoor #drake #greedy #vibes #ovo #ensemble #rnb #newmusic