If u got 🍒 piercings then u know exactly what it is😩 a lot of piercers tend to pierce w them too which is so annoying 😒 give that child a real snake eyes barbell please smh. #snakeeyespiercing #snakeeyes #piercingtok
What’s the science behind that😭 u rarely see em with acne 😩 Edit: NOBODY HEARD ME SAY “I WONT SAY NEVER BUT RARELY” nb heard me say “for the most part” BFFR IDC THAT YOU BREAKOUT. I SAID RARELY LOOK UP THE DEFINITION OF RARELY. #darkskin
They hear one piercer say sum and run w it for the longest whole time Evb suck at anatomy😂😂💯💯 #piercingtok #dermalpiercing #biopsypunch #howtobecomeapiercer
Youn miss a beat with that lipgloss but ur baby nose been snotty so long it’s starting to crust😒 make it make sense mane. #snottynose #babyswithsnottynoses
Idk I feel like she be lying bc the only thing that give Baltimore is dew and tew and sometimes she says do and to perfectly fine and if she catch herself saying it normal she go back and fix it😂😂😂😂😂😂 #brenay #lifeofbrenay #baltimoreaccent
Also big words aren’t equivalent to intelligence. I know a lot of people who are extremely intelligent but simply lack the vocabulary to express such😩 #optionsareanillusion #datingpool #singleisntaninsult
Hard to lose a chosen one but DMN leave me tf alone 😂😂😂😂😂 it’s like a movie the way I cut ppl off and they become stalkers #cuttingpeopleoff #obsession #stalker
Like some shi be funny but some of yall take it too far💀 especially them tarot card readings…like lil bro that dude not coming back nor is he thinking ab u. just a bunch of idiots who got nun else to live for 🙄 #astrology #astrologytiktok #astrologyisntreal #tarotreading
Like pls get out my face. Going and getting the same job as someone isn’t going to automatically grant u the same lifestyle boo. If I start lying and saying I sell it u gone copy that?💀💀💀 #whatdoyoudoforaliving
“You not finna make me feel bad ab having kids” WHOS TRYNA MAKE U FEEL BAD BRO THEM FOLKS SAID THEY 21 WIT NO KIDSSSSSS😩💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 #parents #21withnokids #regrethavingkids