Dwp Academy
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Dwp Academy Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 7.94M Followers / Views 0.32% -
Average Likes 22.49K Likes / Views 18.61% -
Average Reviews 316 Reviews / Views 0.2% -
Average Share 93 Share / Views 0.07%
Dwp Academy Hot Videos
Piki Piki szn⚡️ dc @Richeal #dwpacademy #dwpacademykidda
Too many single people on the Fyp , maybe we can help, tag your crush in the comments section and see if they will react to it . #Dwpacademy 🎶 OMG : @Mr.Drew @🫒OLIVETHEBOY💚
You know if it sound’s good we gotta create to it #Dwpacademy Dc: Dwpacademy @Mr.Drew @🫒OLIVETHEBOY💚
Freedom is a legacy we cherish.Lets celebrate our nation today and always!🇬🇭 #Dwplegacy #Dwpacademy 🎶 : @ikwamebeatz 🎥 @Real Cesh
The one with God, never fails. Happy Sunday family 💜 DC: @ChampionRolie 📍: @Ghud Park #dwpacademykidda #dwpacademy
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