Mônica Rocha
Family Parenting
1748002Global Ranking
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New Followers6.76K
New Views1.46M
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New Reviews859
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Average Views 1.46M Followers / Views 0.46% -
Average Likes 55.74K Likes / Views 11.65% -
Average Reviews 1.2K Reviews / Views 0.06% -
Average Share 8.67K Share / Views 0.39%
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Nascimento das trigêmeas, Helena, Heloísa e Aurora 🩷🩷🩷 Após uma gestação de gemelar, dois meninos, vieram 3 princesas, sim, as duas gestações naturais! Deus é perfeito! #trigemeas #trigemeos #nascimentodebebê #bebê #bebestiktoks #gestante #gravidez #gravidas #amordepai #mae #pai #amordemae
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