Jay and Nia
Love Dating
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Jay and Nia Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 32.34M Followers / Views 0.42% -
Average Likes 73.54K Likes / Views 11.31% -
Average Reviews 602 Reviews / Views 0.06% -
Average Share 1.99K Share / Views 0.19%
Jay and Nia Hot Videos
She deserves the world 🥰 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
Always being a baby 😂❤️ @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
“If I’m eating you’re eating babe” SHES A KEEPER 😭 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
She knows how to keep her man home 😭 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
I thought it was going to go left 😳😂 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
How does she always have the perfect response 🥹 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
The way he removed his headphone he knew something was up 😂😂😂 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
The sadness in her eyes 😭 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
She deserves the world 😍 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
She got so excited 😳😂 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
She didn’t even hesitate 😭 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
I’m so glad he didn’t just talk about my body! 😭🫠 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
I thought it was going to go left 😭 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
She was ready to risk it all 😂 @Nia #couple #fyp #foryou #couples
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