Shayn Gjael
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Shayn Gjael Statistics Analysis (30 Days)
Average Views 3.53M Followers / Views 0.07% -
Average Likes 9.96K Likes / Views 14.52% -
Average Reviews 62 Reviews / Views 0.04% -
Average Share 127 Share / Views 0.08%
Shayn Gjael Hot Videos
nothing beats getting ready while listening to your favorite playlist 😩 products used: issy foundation (NL2) biya brow pen absidy brow gel strokes bronzer (tortilla and peanut) Make up by mario blush (barely blushing) dior concealer (1N) Huda beauty loose powder (poundcake) naturale iskulptura (hulma) Glamhour palette faboulash (L13) bys eyeliner charlottle tilbury lipliner (iconic nude) nyx lipliner (mauve) rhode lipbalm (cinnamon roll)
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