posting for awareness.. I haven’t talked to many people about this. it’s hard to talk about it and explain to people that have never experienced it. My first experience was actually on the lash bed 2 years ago, getting lash extensions done (hence why I have never had them done since, and I glue on my lashes now) I’ve grown accustomed to them, I know when it’s about to happen. it generally happens in the weeks i haven’t had good sleep. I avoid naps because I go in and out of sleep too much when I nap so it’s a trigger. They usually don’t last more than 30seconds to a minute, sometimes it takes a good minute to snap my body out of it as I feel the sudden tired + heaviness again and fall back into the paralysis a few more times until I am completely awake and able to move and get up and about again. Sleep paralysis occurs when your body gets confused during REM stage in sleep. Everyone becomes paralysed in their sleep because when we are in REM {when we dream} our bodies paralyse itself so we don’t act out our dreams in reality and potentially hurt ourselves. Waking up in REM means your body is paralysed but you are conscious while you are dreaming. #sleepdoctor #sleepparalysis #anxiety #insomnia #sleepparalysisawareness