# locnation
Top 50 Hot Videos(locnation)
She was like 'you really bout to do it?'😂 It was so satisfying to see the outcome. she had her locs since a baby and always had two thick locs on the side! this day was the last day she had to worry about that #fyp #locs #split #splitlocs #loctician #locstyles #locnation #crochet #crochetrepair #explore
😂😂😂 BENEFITS OF HAVING TEMPORARY DREADLOCKS - hairline freindly - promotes hair growth - can be done on chemical/texturized hair - water friendly - soft and light on your head - 9 months service -flexible to styling Call/WhatsApp +254 11 5073998 for booking and inquiry #joramlocks cks #temporarylocks #publicity254 #hairstyles #254fashion #artificialdreads #locs #nairobi #protectivestyles #kenya #gainwithxtiandela #gainwiththeepluto #gainwithmtaaraw #gainwithdgohnie #gainwithbundi #gainwithmugweru #gainwithtwigz #gainwithmukatiahb #locnation #locgicians
Creativity overload! This is NappStar.👌😉 Book appointment at NappStar.com #NappStar #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #locstylesformen #locs #locsoftiktok #locnation #locslife #fyp #nyc
Super creative and beautiful Loc Style by NappStar!😍 Book appointment at NappStar.com #locstyles #NappStar #locjourney #locs #locsoftiktok #locnation #fypシ #fyp #nyc #loclove #loclivin #afrohair
Beautiful long Loc Petals by NappStar!🔥 Book appointment at NappStar.com 😍 #locstyles #NappStar #locjourney #locs #locsoftiktok #locnation #loclove #nyc #fyp #loclife #afrohair #loclivin #newyork
You can Undo your locs without having to worry about breakage and losing hair Dreadlocks removal Dreadlocks undoing 0736840636 #instantlocs #creatorsearchinsights #locsjourney #rongaidreadlocks #dreadlocksinstallation #rongailocsintallation #womenwithlocs #artificiallocs #rongaiartificiallocs #rongaiartifiallocsinstallation #ongatarongailocs #maasailodgesalon #locsstyles #dreadlocksstylelatest #naturalhairstyles #dreadlocksrongai #sisterlocs #sisterlocsjourney #sisterlocsinstallation #cleanshelfsalon #rongaisalon #rongaitiktok #loc #locs #locstyles #locnation #locjourney #loclife #loclove #dreadlocks #dreadlock #dreadlockextensions #dreadlockstyles #locextensions #hairs #hairstyles #naturalhair #explorepage #explore #exploremore #twostrandtwist #igdaily #braids #menlocstyles #menlocs #starterlocs #instantlocs
Amazing Loc Style again by NappStar!🤙😍 Book appointment at NappStar.com #locstyles #locs #nyc #locnation #loclivin #locslife #locjourney #fyp #locstylesforwomen #locsoftiktok #afrohair
#ordemadedress#thankyouforchoosingus #beautifulModel Arushi Magar sis❣️#Magarfashionboutique #locnation #neaplgunj
Excellent Loc Color and Comb Retwist.👌 Book appointment at NappStar.com #locstyles #locs #nyc #locnation #loclivin #NappStar #locjourney #locslife #afrohair #fyp #locsoftiktok #loclife #locproducts
@Jeremiahsmith_.4 ALWAYS gets two strand twists 🤣🤣 One day I’ll sneak another style on him, but right now champs get what they want!! #💪🏾🙌🏾👏🏾💆🏾♂️ #loclife #twostrandtwists #columbusohio #locsoftiktok #locs #locnation #columbushairstylist #locstyles #dreads
#fy #locs #locjourney #marlocs #starterlocs #locs4life #locstyles #bh #bhenois #mg #afrohair #locnation
4 ways YOU could style YOUR “HER LOC EXTENSIONS” This for The ladies ‼️‼️ Just imagine YOU HAD A FULL HEAD (Cause these are only 65 locs) And Minus The shape Up….. THESE STYLES WOULD BE TEA ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ Which One Is Your Favorite ❓❓ Stay tuned for next video of ways my Masculine Women or Males And orders yours TODAY !!! #locs #locstyles #loclivin #locnation #womanlocs #locsextensions #locextensionsatl #HERlocextentions
Its so hard trying to find other ppl with 40 locs or less so imma start posting my babies more. This is 2yrs & 7 months locd #4clocs #4c #4chair #thick4clocs #loc #locs #locstyles #locjourney #locnation #dreads #naturalhair #loclivin #loctician #dreadlocks #starterlocs #locstylesforwomen #loclove #loclife #womenwithlocs #locmaintenance #life #locqueen #dreadhead #retwist #hair #naturalhairstyles #dreadstyles #explorepage #india #dreadlocs #Love #interlocking #locstylist #thicklocs #30locs #40locs #loccount
Took my two strands down, felt kinda cute 🥰 loving my new makeup routine as well, let me put yall on Estée Lauder double wear is the truuuuuth , thank me later 😘😘😘. #goodlocday #locgician #locmaintenance #locstylesforwomen #bayarea #locgoddess #locjourney #locnation #loccommunity #locsrock #longlocs #blondelocs #locnationtm #locnationthemovement #hairideas #hairinspiration #hairinspo #locsoftiktok #locd #locstylist #hairdresser #golden #saturday #bayareatiktok #bayareahairstylist #makeup #makeuphacks
LOC UPDATE: The growth is crazyyyy 🥹🌱✨ #starterlocs #coils #lotcstyles #locs #combcoils #loclife #coloredlocs #locdandloaded #locjourney #loclove #loclivin #locd #loclifestyle #locsnotdreads #mylocjourney #starterlocstyles #fyp #pov #womenwithlocs #locsandmelanin #curlylocs #locqueen #locinfluencer #coloredlocs #curlyhair #explorepage #locnation #locs4life #locinspo
Color touch up and two strand boho on myself. I actually hated how this came out as far as curl wise, idk I think because my locs are thicker it just feels like atot going on & I'll cut these little stings off in about a week maybe depending on how tangled they get. The way this whole video was supposed to come out was different, I tried recording the wash ( a complete mess I don't know how y'all do it) this is the best could do, happy Sunday (And please ignore my little skin looking crazy, I'm using something that makes it peel minimally, child I just need 3 real chemical peels #goodlocday #locgician #locmaintenance #bayarea #locjourney #locnation #loclivin #locstylesforwomen #twostrandtwist #loccommunity #locbae #locbob #locbeauty #longlocs #locgoddess #locgrowth #locgang #locgirlsrock #boho #bohostyle #bohotwist #beforeandafter #hairideas #hairtransformation #blonde #explore #explorepage #fyp #fypシ #foryourpage #hairtransformation #newyear
🔻For booking please follow and dm me on instagram we only book appt on ig 🔻 #wicks#bonks #locs #locstyles #locstylesforkids #bonks #dreadjourney #dreadhead #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #locsjourney #dreadslocks #locstyles #locs4life #locrepair #goddesslocs #softlocs #locspecialist #locschicago #locstylesformen #locsforwomen #locnation #dreadhead #hairtransformation #hairstyles #hairfashion #hairart #hairlove#atlhair #atlhairstylist #chicagohairstylist #chicagohair #newyorkhairstylist
A pineapple or whatever😊 Mehn I remembered when my hair could barely be held in a ponytail! We growing baby🙌🏾 10 months in&loving it❤️ #microlocsjourney #locnation #locjourney #sisterlocs #starterlocs #locjourney #microlocs #microloc #diymicrolocsjourney #locinspiration #diymicrolocs #locs #locstyles #ocjourney #starterlocs #loccommunity #location #loclove • #loclife #loclivin #microlocstyles #microlocsinstallation #blackgirlmagic #naturalhair #protectivestylesfornaturalhair
🔥384 locs at 16 inches with Nisha @bmoreluxury 1 mm Cheriloc Extensions are definitely the wave! 📍We will be back to our hometown, Chicago Illinois for two weeks in June, get your consultation scheduled so you can get on the books. We will only be taking 5️⃣ Extension installs 📍Monroe & Raleigh NC Consultation Required✨✨✨✨ schedule at LocDon.com #sisterlocks #sisterlocs #locs #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #locs4life #chicago #chicagolocs #chicagoloctician #locticians #locnation #locnationthemovement #locjourney #microlocs #microlocextensions #locdon #cherilocs #northcarolinadreadlocks #northcarolina #charlottelocs #microlocsinstallation #locextensions #microlocjourney #sisterlockextensions #raleigh #raleighhairstylist
#fy #fyp #naturalhair #hair #locs #locnation #Foryoupage #xyzbca #beauty #beautiful
Yall really need to chill 😂😂 #fyp #loccommunity #locstyles #locnation #meangirls
My hair looks super ashy since taking my bob down 😩 and I still have some of the boho strands randomly in my hair 🥲 I don’t think I’ll be doing that style again anytime soon. Just enjoying my twist out 😘 #goodlocday #locgician #locmaintenance #bayarea #locjourney #locnation #loclivin #locstylesforwomen #twostrandtwist #loccommunity #locbae #locbob #locbeauty #longlocs #locgoddess #locgrowth #locgang #locgirlsrock #locretwist #locinspo #locinspiration #hairinspo #hairideas #natural #hairlong #locsoftiktok #locstylist #locd #blondehair #blondelocs #makeup #explore #fy #fyp #fypシ #curls #hey
Wouldn’t have it any other way #locs #womenwithlocs #locd #blackhair #longlocs #locnation #locjourney #4you
Got my crown cleaned up 👑✨ A woman with wicks gotta be one of the dopest things ever 😍 #WickLocs #LocEvolution #CrownedInConfidence #WickJourney #LocsOnLocs #NaturalCrown #FYP #hairtransformation #locjourney #WickTransformation #LocNation #NaturalCrown #TikTokHair #NewHairWhoDis #ProtectiveStyles #FYP #ViralHair
Nothing beats a clean scalp and fresh retie😊 #microlocsjourney #locnation #locjourney #sisterlocs #starterlocs #locjourney #microlocs #microloc #diymicrolocsjourney #locinspiration #diymicrolocs #locs #locstyles #ocjourney #starterlocs #loccommunity #location #loclove • #loclife #loclivin #microlocstyles #microlocsinstallation #blackgirlmagic #naturalhair #protectivestyles #selfretie