# locs
Top 50 Hot Videos(locs)
I didn’t have time to do a retwist with gel cuz he had to catch a flight😭 #locs #loctician #locreattachment #locmaintenance #loctransformation
Starter Locs 💫🙏🏾 #bronxhairstylist #cornrows #hairtutorial #barreltwists #protectivestyles #hairstyles #locs #starterlocs #nychairstylist
Combing out my dreads pt.3 #dreads #dreadlocks #locs #viral #fyp #freeformdreads #retwist #hairgrowth #straighthairdreads #transformation
the true definition of trust the process #fyp #microlocs #locs #locjourney #trusttheprocess
What was ur starter method?🙂↔️ #locs #locsoftiktok #braidlocs #braidlocjourney
#LOCS | I need more black characters rocking locs 🤩 #winorlose #kai #bighero6 #wasabi #susiecarmichel #venusflytrap #monsterhigh #bismuth #stevenuniverse #craigofthecreek #omar #fyp
She was like 'you really bout to do it?'😂 It was so satisfying to see the outcome. she had her locs since a baby and always had two thick locs on the side! this day was the last day she had to worry about that #fyp #locs #split #splitlocs #loctician #locstyles #locnation #crochet #crochetrepair #explore
Locs #locs #coils #twostrandtwist #ropetwist #starterlocs #lowtaperfade
😂😂😂 BENEFITS OF HAVING TEMPORARY DREADLOCKS - hairline freindly - promotes hair growth - can be done on chemical/texturized hair - water friendly - soft and light on your head - 9 months service -flexible to styling Call/WhatsApp +254 11 5073998 for booking and inquiry #joramlocks cks #temporarylocks #publicity254 #hairstyles #254fashion #artificialdreads #locs #nairobi #protectivestyles #kenya #gainwithxtiandela #gainwiththeepluto #gainwithmtaaraw #gainwithdgohnie #gainwithbundi #gainwithmugweru #gainwithtwigz #gainwithmukatiahb #locnation #locgicians
STARTER LOCS ON NATURAL HAIR #bronxhairstylist #hairstyle #nychairstylist #locs #miamihairstylist #barreltwists #starterlocs #cornrows #hair #atlhairstylist #hairstyles
#freeformdreads #dreads #freeformlocs #grungeaesthetic #gloomy #grunge #kenopsia #sora #kingdomhearts #sasukedreads #sasuke #locs
High top to a full head of locs🤯 Service: Loc reconstruction Wash & Retwist Style: Half barrel half two strands Haircut: Mid Taper Fade Dm on ig to book ✨ Subscribe to my yt channel link 🔗 in bio for more content New shop coming soon 🥳 #hightoplocs #locreconstruction #entrepreneur #locs #menwithlocs #menlocstyles #menwithlonglocs #menlocstlyes #locjourney #locjourneycontinues #locstyles #bayarealocs #bayarealoctician #viral #fyp #fy #fypage #foryou #womenlocstyles #womenlocs #longlocs #longlocstylesforwomen
Coils #locs #coils #twostrandtwist #ropetwist #starterlocs #4chair
Creativity overload! This is NappStar.👌😉 Book appointment at NappStar.com #NappStar #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #locstylesformen #locs #locsoftiktok #locnation #locslife #fyp #nyc
#tiktoksenegal🇸🇳 #passioncheveux4 #tutorial #tuto #tutoinvisiblelocs #invisiblelocs #locs #pourtoi #fyp #cotedivoire🇨🇮 #galsen221🇸🇳🇸🇳 #petiteentreprise #tiktok #knotlessbraid
1 year in & I’m loving it ✨ #sisterlocks #fyp #locs #starterlocs #sisterlocksjourney
In 2013 I made the leap from partial dreads to a full head. I was scared to commit to dreadlocks, but at the same time I was thinking about dreads every day and I just knew I’d regret not doing it. Since then it’s been quite the journey, they’ve changed so much over the years and I’ve trimmed them a few times to deal with the length and weight. Each time saddened to loose the wispy ends that I love, but in time they’d be back how I loved them again. Here’s a video showing 11 years of my journey. How long have you had locs for? Or perhaps you’re still thinking about it? #mountaindreads #noregrets #dreadlocks #locs #dreads #longdreads #dreadjourney #dreadlife #dreadhead #dreadhair #dreadstyles #dreadlockhairstyle #dreadshop #dreadslife #dreadlocklifestyle #wonderlocks #dreadlockstyle 🌿
Haircut Transformation IG:Dothedanting #bigchop #transformationchallenge #haircut #locs #dreads #andis #wahl #clippers #barber #barbershop #viral #explorepage #bigchopjourney #haircut #blackhair #hairtransformation #barber #africanamerican #hair #trending #viral #starterlocjourney #locretwist #wavecheck #bigchopjourney #locs #transformation #hairtok #hair #africantiktok #african
I’m sorry but most of them are😂 #fyp #locs #loctiktok #locsoftiktok
Super creative and beautiful Loc Style by NappStar!😍 Book appointment at NappStar.com #locstyles #NappStar #locjourney #locs #locsoftiktok #locnation #fypシ #fyp #nyc #loclove #loclivin #afrohair
exclusive content.. don’t show anyone #freeforms #fyp #semifreeform #dreads #freeformdreads #semifreeformlocs #dreadhead #locs #freeformjourney #curls #bedhead
Would you cut your hair in half 🫨 watch me work #locextetensions #locs #fullhead #dreads #dreadhead #304gang #304 #fyp #foryoupqge #tiktokban #tiktokisbroken #ebay #beforeandafter #loctransformation #locreconstruction #locdetox #detox
Detox my boyfriends locs. #locdetox #locmaintenance #locsoftiktok #locs
i hate the fact that i have to drain it but waow the after is so satisfying😍😍 #fyp #london #londonhairstylist #loctician #locticians #retwist #locsjourney #clients #hairstylist #costumerservice #locs #cleanparts #retwistlocs #work #locstyles #locksmith #pov #retwistandstyle #detox #detoxlocs #twostrandtwist #twostrandtwists #twostrandtwistslocs
Who said jay ain got no neck?😭 #explorepage #explore #atl #atlbarber #like #fyp #follow #barber #haircut #hairstyles #hair #cut #lineup #locs #dreads #funny #taecuttinup #viral
Locs #locs #coils #twostrandtwist #ropetwist #starterlocs #4chair
JANUARY BOOKS OPENNN, link in bio!!! IG: thelocladysc . . . #fyp #locs #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #locsjourney #locstylist #locstylist #locsjourney2022 #locsmithingmethod #locstylesformen #locsinterlockingcrochetdreads #locslove #locsny
black ppl loving our hair means in every form you don’t get to cherry pick!! 🙄 #fyp #foryou #locs #locjourney #wicks #freeform #freeformlocs
caption #locs #locstyles #menslocs #starterlocs #combcoils #menslocstyles #locjourney #locstylesformen #retwist
Two strand twist #twostrandtwist #locs #coils #ropetwist #starterlocs
So hurt #locs #loctok #loccy #dresds #fyp #foryou #hats #kako
FLAT TWIST MINI TUTORIAL 🫶🏾🔥 #bronxhairstylist #nychairstylist #barreltwists #starterlocs #cornrows #hairstyles #locs #atlhairstylist #hair #miamihairstylist #houstonhairstylist
Cutting ur locs for a yt man is insane. Stop listening to a woman who looks like MJ during his downfall ab how to attract a wealthy man💀 yall are literally her income😩 #locs #loccommunity #locstopixie #ashleydalton
Starter locs #locs #coils #twostrandtwists #topetwist #starterlocs
Which would you choose ?#kennesawstateuniversity #smyrnabraids #kennesawga #kennesawbraids #mariettabraids #hair #braids #4chair #4bhair #hairbraider #knotlessbraids #ksubraider #atlbraider #butterflylocs #locs #boxbraids #softlocs #africanhairbraiding #curlyhair #henryco #hairstyles #explore #explorepage #blackgirl #entreprenuer #blackownedbusiness #cornrows #twist #twist #blm #blackgirlmagic #twist
When they ask me why I don’t go to the same barber no more 😂 #blackhaircut #barbertok #barbertiktok #barber #blackbarber #locjourney #locsjourney #dreadhead #dreads #locs #dreadlock #dreadlocks #dreadjourney #dreadsjourney #locstyles #menwithlocs #menslocs #locsoftiktok #loctok #cornrows #blackmen #blackmenhair #rosemarywater #menshealth #SelfCare #beauty #braidsonmen #menbraids #cornrowsbraids #blackmenhairstyles #hairtok #naturalhair #dreads #dreadlocks #locs #curlyhair #afro #blacktiktokcommunity #blacktok #curls #curlyhairmen #fyp #foryoupage #xyzbca #grwm
Replying to @crashy We detox and clean long dreadlocks and Voluminous dreadlocks too. We are very gentle and patient with your strands to ensure that you leave feeling fresh and clean. Book us and visit today. Ruaka-0795936560 Kiambu rd-0704653666 #cleaningtiktok #asmr #detox #dreadlocks #locs #dirtytok #dirty #howtotiktok #retouch #detoxasmr #kenya #kiambutiktokers #ruaka #rolin #satisfyingvideo
HYTBB😜 loctician: @T’ #dreads #retwist #color #track #trackandfield #trackstar #trackmeet ##sprint #sprinter #sprinting #sprints #run #Running #runner #college #collegetrack #collegevisit #kakashidreads #relateable #blowthisupforme #xybca #dreadheadsdoitbetter #yk_itsayden15 #fyp #makemefamous #blowthisup #dontletthisflop #occommunity #locs #dreadhead #twostrandtwist
Hindsight is 20/20! #locs #locstyles #locjourney #relaxedlocs #starterlocs #oneyear #hindsight #hair #hairtok #foryourpage #viral #fyp #locupdate #shortlocs #locstylesforwomen
a perfect retwist will show you your true length😍 #fyp #london #londonhairstylist #loctician #locticians #clients #costumerservice #locsjourney #locs #londontiktok #londonhairdresser #retwist #cleanparts #locstutorial #loctutorial #locksmithservice #locsmithing #pov #povs #length #lengthcheck
#nappnicelocs🇭🇹 #okaplakayanm😍 #sawpatkonnen #okap #locstyles #locs #dreadlocks #haitiantiktok #caphaitien
Watch Me Work🪄 • • March Books Open Feb. 22nd🌟 Limited Availability Be Sure To Secure Your Spot This Month🗓️ • • #dreads #dreadlocks #dreadstyles #retwist #retwistdreads #braids #braidstyles #hairstyles #hair #locs #locstyles #locnation #florida #palmbeach #knotlessbraids #knotless #braids #braid #styles #hairstyles #dreads #dreadlocks #retwist #locs #locstyles #braiding #florida #palmbeach #palmbeachbraider #menscornrows #menstyle #reelsofinstagram #goddessbraids #palmbeachgoddessbraids
chat I’m missing my lip & eyebrow piercings #nostalgia #locs #fyp #piercings #woc #poc #thinking #thoughts
Only took me 31 years, but I FINALLY understand 😂 #peoplepleaser #expeoplepleaser #notmyproblem #MomsofTikTok #locs #locstyles #dreadlocks #dreads #girlswithtattoos